200 People Just Created A Massive Human Tube Map

Will Noble
By Will Noble Last edited 66 months ago

Last Updated 15 August 2019

200 People Just Created A Massive Human Tube Map

A playing field in Crayford. 200 willing volunteers in colour-coded t shirts. A drone. Geoff Marshall.

What have you got? A human tube map, natch.

London transport deity Geoff Marshall is no stranger to creating oversized tube maps. Back in 2017, he led Londonist in a quest to create a tube map out of Quality Street. (Possibly the only tube map that's been subsequently eaten.)

For his latest barmy project, Geoff's gone all guns blazing — rounding up scores of transport fans, and arranging them (by way of traffic cones and a loudspeaker) into a human version of Harry Beck's iconic design.

Nice work, people. Even if the nearest tube station to where this was shot is about 6.5 miles away. Bus home it is, then.