London Trans+ Pride Returns This July

Last Updated 21 June 2024

London Trans+ Pride Returns This July
People marching through Piccadilly Circus with signs saying 'Trans liberation now'
2023 was the biggest event yet. Image: Ayesha Alibhai

London Trans+ Pride is back for 2024, taking place on Saturday 27 July.

The event is one of the largest Trans Pride marches in the world, and has been running for six years now. Organisers describe it as:

a peaceful march through central London, open to trans+ people, the LGBTQIA+ community and allies, joining in a union of celebration for trans+ lives, past and present, standing for trans+ rights.

The march begins at Trafalgar Square, continues up to Piccadilly Circus, then heads along Piccadilly to Wellington Arch, where a stage is set up for speakers, along with an accessible area, a family-friendly chill area, and a main seating area. Further details on the route and programme are available here. Signs, banners and flags are very much encouraged.

Organisers claim that 40,000 people turned up for the 2023 event, though other sources put that figure at closer to 25,000. Model Munroe Bergdorf and actor Yasmin Finney (Elle in Heartstopper, and now Rose Noble in Doctor Who) were among those who took part in making speeches and leading chants.

The theme for the 2024 event is 'Justice and Liberation', to address the ongoing injustices and atrocities happening across the world. In addition to standing up for trans rights, the organisers march in solidarity with Palestine, Sudan, Haiti and Congo this year.

People marching while holding up signs saying 'Pride for all of us'
Image: Angela Christofilou

Supporters for Trans+ Pride 2024 include performance poet Kae Tempest (they/them), who said:

London trans pride has given me so much. It’s been an important moment of strength gathering for me, as I continue on my journey towards living truly, as myself.  Walking through London all together, we can feel a deep sense of community, acceptance, shared pain and celebration that rouses the spirit and soothes the soul.  

London Trans+ Pride takes place on Saturday 27 July 2024 from 1pm in Trafalgar Square.