London Hat Walk: Scores Of Fashionable Folk Will Parade Around Town This Weekend

Will Noble
By Will Noble Last edited 10 months ago

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Last Updated 05 April 2024

London Hat Walk: Scores Of Fashionable Folk Will Parade Around Town This Weekend
A person in a red cap, wearing lots of interesting face decorations
Hats the way uh-huh, uh-huh... Image: London Hat Week

Central London goes hat mad this Sunday (7 April) — when a flurry of fashionable folk parade around town in their finest headwear.

London Hat Walk sees a gaggle of professional milliners and hatters, plus vintage/retro enthusiasts, collectors, cosplayers, re-enactors, hobby crafters and novelty hat-wearers (there's usually at least one person with a chicken on their head), depart from St James's church, Piccadilly at 1pm on Sunday 7 April 2024.

Participants follow a leader on a leisurely amble about town, which is all about showing off your headwear, and making new friends.

Two people wearing hats and a placard 'wear more hats'
Hats mean a LOT to these people. Image: London Hat Week

If you fancy taking part in the London Hat Walk then consider yourself invited — the one simple rule being (perhaps obviously) that you must wear a hat.

As well as the Hat Walk itself, there's a surplus sale of hats and other headwear at St James's on both Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 April, with vendors including Siggi Hats, All the Fun of the Fair, Atelier Millinery and Ellie Rose.

This heady promenade started out in Barcelona in 2014, and has since spread to 14 cities across the world, including Oslo, Adelaide, Buenos Aires and Seoul.

London Hat Walk, St James's Piccadilly, Sunday 7 April 2024, starts 1pm free