Model railway enthusiasts from across the land and beyond will be getting all steamed up about this massive festival coming to Ally Pally.
The London Festival of Railway Modelling pulls into north London on 21-22 March — bringing with it a chuffing marvellous collection of scale railway models, and all the diddy trains that come with them.

Over 120 exhibitors will fill the Great Hall at Alexandra Palace, including some of the best-known names in the industry: Hornby, Bachmann Europe, Mad About Trains and Digitrains.

And while there'll be plenty for the model railway nerds to get rail-ly excited about, this is a show for any kid (young or old), who gets a thrill from watching a down-scaled Eurostar clatter through a tiny bucolic train station. That'd include us, then.

The list of layouts at this year's event includes Copenhagen Fields (of Islington fame), Upper Cwmtwych (Welsh, we'll presume), and the intriguingly named War of the Worlds. *Cue Jeff Wayne music*.

The London Festival of Railway Modelling, Alexandra Palace, 21-22 March, tickets from £12 (adults), £6.50 (children)