Everything You Need To Know About Extinction Rebellion's Latest Protest

Harry Rosehill
By Harry Rosehill Last edited 64 months ago

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Last Updated 07 October 2019

Everything You Need To Know About Extinction Rebellion's Latest Protest
Photo: Ruth Davey

Extinction Rebellion are back out in force. Here's everything you need to know about their latest actions.

When is it?

Things kicked off today, Monday 7 October.

What are they doing?

Shutting down streets and bridges in Westminster to try and force government departments to "Tell The Truth" about the climate crisis. What are they doing on those streets? Yoga, dancing, chanting, speaking, listening, you name it. There's even been a wedding on Westminster Bridge.

It's going on for HOW long?

Well actually we're not quite sure. The initial word coming out of Extinction Rebellion is that they'd be trying to shut down Westminster "for at least two weeks". That leads us to assume that protesters will still be in place until 20 October. After that, it's hard to predict. The initial wave of action that brought Extinction Rebellion to fame lasted longer than initially planned, due to its success.

Click to enlarge. Photo: Extinction Rebellion

Where is it?

All over Westminster, mainly targeting government departments. Take a look at the map above to see where the main hubs are. Most notably both Lambeth and Westminster Bridges are currently blockaded. The police have been arresting people — especially at Lambeth Bridge — and trying to clear people out but as of yet, both are still filled with protesters.

Given all the prorogation stuff, isn't this bad timing?

Not really. A major part of Extinction Rebellion's beliefs is that while Parliament is busy in-fighting over Brexit, they're ignoring a bigger crisis: the environment.

How can I get involved?

Just turn up to one of the sites and join in. It's as easy as that.

Will I get arrested?

It is possible. More than 130 activists have been arrested thus far. Extinction Rebellion have a guide for those who are arrested, and during their April events, some activists were seen handing out leaflets telling people what to do if they are arrested.

If I can't make it, can I still help out?

Sure. There are plenty of ways to support Extinction Rebellion, be that by donating money, offering spaces for use, or any other services you might have. It all starts by signing up to the Extinction Rebellion newsletter online.