Tower Bridge Will Be Stuck In The Raised Position, As It Closes Over Bank Holiday

Will Noble
By Will Noble Last edited 18 months ago

Looks like this article is a bit old. Be aware that information may have changed since it was published.

Last Updated 16 August 2023

Tower Bridge Will Be Stuck In The Raised Position, As It Closes Over Bank Holiday

In 2017, Londonist got to open up Tower Bridge - here's what happened (don't worry, we didn't break it).

People looking at Tower Bridge from the banks - it has its bascules open
Tower Bridge is closing/opening up, depending on which way you look at it. Image: iStock/Tolga_TEZCAN

The bascules of Tower Bridge will stand to attention over August bank holiday, as the 129-year-old structure is closed to traffic for essential repairs.

From 10pm on Friday 25 August till late on Monday 28 August, the central section of the bridge will remain raised, as essential repairs are carried out. The repairs in question involve replacing the worn metal plates at the rear of the bascules — the moving parts of the bridge. The planned works mean no cars, no buses and no pedestrians crossing the bridge. (Although it's possible the repairs will finish a tad earlier.)

Says Giles Shilson, Chairman of the Bridge House Estates Board: "We appreciate that the closure will cause some inconvenience but this work is essential to the smooth operation of the bridge, and will ensure it can continue to do its job for decades to come."

The good news for tourists is that the visitor attraction inside the bridge is unaffected by the closure. However, some local businesses, including pubs which rely heavily on tourist footfall from the bridge, have complained they weren't given advance warning.

Two years ago, Tower Bridge remained in an open position for 12 hours due to a technical failure. This time round, it's supposed to look like that.

More information on the closure on the City Bridge Trust website.