This Mischievous London Map Will Make You Giggle

Laura Reynolds
By Laura Reynolds Last edited 52 months ago

Last Updated 06 August 2020

This Mischievous London Map Will Make You Giggle
Click here for a larger version of the map

What's this we spy? A little London mischief? Excellent.

What appears to be a regular — albeit fantastic — map of the capital has a couple of red herrings thrown in. Creator Mark Cowie said:

My main inspiration was to produce something different from the generic maps of London which feature the obvious sights.

He's certainly done that. The shape and location of the river and the parks are true to life, but that's about all that is. Take, for example, Hampstead Heath:

Not quite true is it? The annotations down the sides offer some fascinating 'facts' about the capital, all of which gave us a good giggle.

It's not just London that gets a ribbing — it's neighbours are mocked too. Milton Keynes bears the brunt, but we regret to inform anyone living to the south-east of Catford and Sydenham that your 'hood is described as "nowhere". Ouch.

Oh, and before you go pondering over the mysterious Tony Hantz who was born in North Kensington, that's the pen name of the artist responsible. You can follow him on Instagram — his cartoons have given us a giggle or two — or take a look at his website.

Fancy purchasing your own copy? Paper copies of the map are available at £40 including postage within the UK (anywhere else by arrangement) and can be ordered via [email protected].