Victoria Park Has Been Closed Because People Can't Stay Two Metres Away From Each Other

Laura Reynolds
By Laura Reynolds Last edited 59 months ago

Looks like this article is a bit old. Be aware that information may have changed since it was published.

Last Updated 26 March 2020

Victoria Park Has Been Closed Because People Can't Stay Two Metres Away From Each Other
Photo: Matt Brown

Victoria Park in east London has been closed with immediate effect.

Tower Hamlets, which oversees the park, made the joint decision with Hackney Police to close the green space due to "the failure of some visitors to follow social distancing guidance".

Currently, other parks in the borough remain open for people to take part in their daily exercise, while following social distancing guidelines. This does make us wonder whether the closure of the sizeable Victoria Park will result in more people squeezing into smaller green spaces in the area, making it even harder to keep your recommended two-metre distance between households.

Tower Hamlets isn't the only borough to close its parks. On Monday Hammersmith & Fulham closed all parks and playgrounds until further notice, and other boroughs could follow suit if people are seen to be flouting the rules, by gathering in groups, or not staying their distances from members of other households.

Royal Parks remain open, but with several changes, including the closure of all cafes, public toilets and playgrounds, However, the organisation has made no secret of the fact that it will close the parks if people don't behave responsibly. That said, with many parks, commons and heaths not having fences or railings, it's hard to see how such closures would be enforced without dipping into already-stretched police resources.

Please London, just stick to the rules so that we can still have some nice things at this most unusual of times.

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