Exciting News, London History Lovers! Londonist: Time Machine Is Expanding

By Maire Rose Connor Last edited 18 months ago

Last Updated 18 August 2023

Exciting News, London History Lovers! Londonist: Time Machine Is Expanding

Londonist: Time Machine is going to places it's never gone before. A really lovely community of London history lovers has formed around our free weekly newsletter, which delves into the city's past from all sorts of unusual angles. And it's about to get even better, with the launch of new features and perks for paid subscribers — with 20% off for the first week (till 19 August).

Here's everything you need to know.

What's Londonist: Time Machine, again?

We launched Londonist: Time Machine earlier this year as a free newsletter, released every Wednesday. Piloted by our editor-at-large, Matt Brown it dives into a a different part of London's past each week, often grounded in a question we've always wanted to know the answer to.

So far, we've walked beside Roman walls, revisited prophecies of doom, looked for London's first tube riders and cyclists, and so much more besides.

What kind of content can paid subscribers expect?

To start, two new features a week (that's as well as our free newsletter). Paid subscribers will also get access to a range of behind-the-scenes perks, from ask-me-anything sessions with Matt to exclusive in-person events held at incredible lesser-known London locations.

At the wheel of the Time Machine: Londonist's editor-at-large, M@.

How much will it cost?

Paid subscriptions are £5 a month, or just £45 for a full year (that works out at about 86p per week!) And if you sign up in the first week (till 19 August) we're offering 20% off.

How do I sign up?

A whole bunch of you have already have already pledged for paid subscriptions, and we're massively grateful for the support. If that's you, you don't need to do anything, it'll upgrade automatically!

If you're not yet a paid (or pledged) subscriber, you can upgrade your subscription right here — it only takes a couple of minutes. That makes it great for last minute gifting (we're biased, of course, but we think it'd make a great present for the London fanatic in your life).

A rumoured real time machine in Brompton Cemetery. Ours is better, though.

What if I don't want to pay?

Good news! You don't have to. Our original newsletter will remain completely free to read. Check out the archive, or subscribe now and get future editions emailed to you every week.

When does it launch?

Our first batch of paid subscriber content will go live on the week starting 12 August. Sign up today, and you'll get it in your inbox, as soon as it publishes.

And a massive thanks for all the support — free or paid, we'd love to have you aboard the Time Machine...