Loyiso Gola: Edgy Jokes With Butter-Wouldn't-Melt-Delivery

Loyiso Gola: Pop Culture ★★★★☆

Will Noble
By Will Noble Last edited 60 months ago

Looks like this article is a bit old. Be aware that information may have changed since it was published.

Last Updated 20 February 2020

Loyiso Gola: Edgy Jokes With Butter-Wouldn't-Melt-Delivery Loyiso Gola: Pop Culture 4

Pissed-up Brits in a heatwave. Gun-totin' Americans. Loyiso Gola isn't going to win any awards for innovative subject matter, but it's the way he tells 'em.

The Emmy-nominated stand up from Johannesburg has a brand of butter-wouldn't-melt delivery (he often giggles at his own jokes) that allows him to suddenly swoop in with some decidedly hairy gags. A bit on how black shooters come in to get their man, then apologise to diners for interrupting their meal — rather than shooting up an entire restaurant — ("I'm not against the murder per se") takes a bold and accomplished comedian.

The best gags of the night, naturally, come at the expense of the UK (we're European but don't identify as Europeans). It's inspiriting to watch a comedian relishing life and where they came from. More than enough to forgive that the whole 'pop culture' theme feels crowbarred in. We're just hoping that by the time this review goes out, there are still tickets left.

Loyiso Gola: Pop Culture, Soho Theatre, until 22 February, (last few) tickets from £13.