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Flipper-ing heck! A dozen penguins have taken up residence around Fleet Street this winter, for a free sculpture trail.
The Penguin Parade consists of 12 statues, each 1.6m tall and individually designed by a different artist, dotted around Chancery Lane, New Street Square, Ludgate Circus and Fleet Street. A map is available on the website to help you track them down... or you could just, ahem, wing it and see what you can find on a wander around the area.

The fetching feathered friends are a collaboration between Wild In Art (the organisation behind previous similar trails in London) and conservation charity WWF. Each penguin has its own QR code which, when scanned, reveals penguin facts narrated by children's author and comedian Olaf Falafel. There's also a chance to make a donation towards WWF's conservation work.
The Penguin Parade waddles into Fleet Street Quarter from 14 November 2024 for eight weeks. It's free to visit, though donations to WWF are appreciated.