In Which Pooh And Piglet Go To V&A To See An Exhibition All About Themselves

Winnie-the-Pooh: Exploring a Classic, The V&A ★★★☆☆

Tabish Khan
By Tabish Khan Last edited 85 months ago

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Last Updated 03 January 2018

In Which Pooh And Piglet Go To V&A To See An Exhibition All About Themselves Winnie-the-Pooh: Exploring a Classic, The V&A 3
Children will love this show.

Pooh and Piglet decided to visit the V&A to see an exhibition, and were surprised to see one all about themselves and their adventures. Pooh loved this idea and decided to explore the show. "How meta" he remarked to piglet, who looked back at Pooh quizzically as he wasn't sure what meta meant.

In they went and they were both in awe at how great it looked. Words from their stories were hanging in the air, balloons were floating near the ceiling and there was a little door to Pooh's house with the words RNIG ALSO next to it, "I'm home" said Pooh with a broad smile on his face.

The set design for this show is great.

"This is marvellous" remarked Pooh, "it's just like we're in 100 Aker Wood." A buzzing sound caught the ears of both Pooh and Piglet so they ventured over to sit in a dark room and listen to a story of how Pooh used a balloon to get to some honey. Piglet was enraptured by the marvellous narration and so were the other visitors.

As Piglet and Pooh crossed a bridge they could see a game of Poohsticks flowing under them. Piglet reached down to touch the water and realised it was just a projection. "But it looks so real!" he exclaimed.

There are beds to sit on, a slide to go down, a table to draw their own stories and the illustrations on the walls are superb. "Christopher Robin will love this" stated Pooh, and Piglet had to nod in agreement — children will have a lot of fun here.

Piglet then wondered whether grown ups would enjoy it so much. There are plenty of drawings on the walls and there's a cabinet full of Pooh memorabilia from fuzzy felt to a tea set gifted to Princess Elizabeth in 1928.

A cabinet full of memorabilia.

Piglet thought that people who didn't know about Pooh's adventures may find it all very dull. So he looked around the exhibition at all the grown ups expecting them all to look like Eeyore, but instead they were like Tigger — all excited and taking lots of photographs. Some were there without children and having a great time.

"Pooh, I think lots of people know about your adventures and have come to see this show because of them", said Piglet. "I think you're right" replied Pooh and both he and Piglet felt very proud that there are plenty of fans who will love this immersive exhibition.

Piglet and Pooh decided it was time to return home and visit Christopher Robin. It's at this moment that Pooh turned to Piglet and asked "shall we invite all these people to come home with us?" "You know we can't do that" replied Piglet, "that's why there's an exhibition for them to see". "Silly old bear" thought Piglet to himself as they left to return to 100 Aker Wood.

Winnie-the-Pooh: Exploring a Classic is at V&A until 8 April. Tickets are £8 for adults, children go free. All images copyright V&A.