Pictures Within Pictures Of London's Square Mile

By Paige Kahn Last edited 34 months ago

Last Updated 13 April 2022

Pictures Within Pictures Of London's Square Mile
A film photo lined up with London Bridge.
Guarantee you'll spot at least one Waitrose grocery bag on London Bridge. Image: Paige Kahn

What happens if you take a picture within a picture?

We went around the City of London, capturing the day-to-day on a disposable camera. Then, after getting the film developed, we revisited each site with a digital camera. It's a fresh take on the City scenery, putting pictures back into pictures, catching moments of time within moments of time. The wraiths of people who've long since moved on haunt park benches. Commuters from the past board buses of now. Passers-by move faster than their legs can carry them.

A photo of people walking along a path lined up with the street.
St Paul's Cross. Image: Paige Kahn
A film photo of a woman behind a fence held up to the same background.
The railings fit! Image: Paige Kahn
A film photo of a woman looking at the Monument to the Great Fire of London held up to the same background.
Looking up at the 62-metre Monument to the Great Fire of London. Image: Paige Kahn
A picture of the Queen Victoria bus stop lined up with the same background.
An iconic big red bus, within another one. Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of a man walking along London Bridge held up to the same background.
Walking across London Bridge, with Tower Bridge in the distance. Image: Paige Kahn
A picture of people walking along a path held up to the same background.
Strolling through Bow Lane, we find workers on their lunch break. Image: Paige Kahn
A picture of people walking along a main road held up to the same background.
Cannon Street, all lined up. Image: Paige Kahn
A film photo of a busy street held up to the same background.
Replacing the bollards. Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of a street in line with the original background.
A lonely street near The Bank of England. Image: Paige Kahn
A film photo of a man sitting on a bench in Saint Mary Aldermanbury Churchyard held up to the same background.
Peace and quiet in St Mary Aldermanbury Churchyard. Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of a woman coming up an escalator held to the original background.
The orange streak is called a light leak. It just grazes the people coming up the escalator at One New Change. Image: Paige Kahn
An image of a bike lined up with the original background.
An aesthetically pleasing place to park your bike. Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of people walking held up to fit with the original background.
Moving faster than their legs can carry them. Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of a phone booth in line with a background.
What would a photo series on the City be without a classic red phone booth? Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of One New Change Rooftop held in line with the original background.
The rooftop of One New Change grants free access to a million-dollar view of the city skyline. Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of a man reading a newspaper held up to the original background.
A pit stop for the paper. Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of a bike rack in line with the original background.
Santander Cycle racks aren't usually this full. Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of a man biking along London Bridge held up to the original background.
Someone's stolen my wheels!. Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of a woman pushing a stroller held up to the original background.
Strolling outside Saint Paul's Cathedral. Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of a quiet street held up to the same background.
This woman conveniently posed for the camera. Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of two people sitting on a bench held up in line with the same background.
St Paul's Churchyard is an excellent place to relax and talk on sunny days in the Square Mile. Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of people sitting on the steps of Saint Paul's Cathedral held up to the same background.
The steps of St Paul's Cathedral make great seating. Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of people sitting on a bench held up to the original background.
The flowers have bloomed in the Festival Gardens. Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of a man biking held up to the original background.
Bikers wait eagerly for the traffic light to turn green. Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of a man sitting on the steps of Saint Paul's Cathedral held up to the same background.
Taking a minute on the stairs to Saint Paul's Cathedral. Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of a woman held up to the same background.
Rainy pavement/dry pavement. Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of Saint Paul's Cathedral from the elevator in One New Change held up to the original background.
The elevator to the One New Change rooftop. Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of a sculpture held up to the same background.
Get close, and you can see a warped reflection of St Paul's Cathedral in this sculpture. Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of a woman held up to the same background.
Stopping to take in the view of St Paul's. Image: Paige Kahnc
A photo of a bike rack held up to the same background.
A perfectly aligned tree trunk. Image: Paige Kahn
A photo of people walking on a path held up to the same background.
Spring has sprung in the Square Mile. Image: Paige Kahn