These Photos Of Dogs In Cars Will Absolutely Break Your Heart

Harry Rosehill
By Harry Rosehill Last edited 58 months ago

Last Updated 06 March 2020

These Photos Of Dogs In Cars Will Absolutely Break Your Heart
Dog in car

Is there anything sadder than the sight of a dog alone in a car?

Photographer Martin Usborne was drawn to the darkness of canines left in cars, after associating them with the fear he had of being left in a vehicle after an incident as a child. So he conceived this series, to explore his own fears, along with the viewer's. The collection of images has now been published in book form by Hoxton Mini Press, and is forebodingly titled The Silence of Dogs in Cars.

The majority of the dogs — and the cars for that matter — are Londoners. Usborne would chase interesting looking mutts across the city's parks, asking their owners if he could use them in a shoot. And the cars he'd find on the streets and leave notes on the windscreen stating: 'Can I photograph your car and put a dog in it?'.

Below is a selection of photos from the book.

Dog looking at its own reflection in a car
Dog in the boot of a car
Dog in the boot of a car in a garage?
Dog in car by the side of the road
Dog in a bright yellow car
Dog curled up in the back of  a car
Photo of a dog on the beach

The Silence of Dogs in Cars by Martin Usborne is published by Hoxton Mini Press.