Anime Illustrations Create New Worlds In This Fantastical Exhibition

Anime Architecture, House of Illustration ★★★★☆

Tabish Khan
By Tabish Khan Last edited 93 months ago

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Last Updated 30 May 2017

Anime Illustrations Create New Worlds In This Fantastical Exhibition Anime Architecture, House of Illustration 4

A futuristic city, all tall buildings and neon lights. A mythical parade containing colossal structures. The House of Illustration's latest major exhibition looks at the world of anime, in particular the architectural element.

The drawings are incredibly detailed, the illustrations are stunning and atmospheric, and the film clips — including Ghost in the Shell — are gorgeous. Though the worlds created in these anime films are often fantastical, such exquisite art makes them believable too.

Anime Architecture: Backgrounds of Japan at House of Illustration is on until 10 September. Tickets £7.50 for adults.