Things are about to get seriously symmetrical.
Instagram sensation Accidentally Wes Anderson comes to west London this December, with an immersive exhibition inviting you to 'step inside' some of the best photos it's published.
As the name suggests, Accidentally Wes Anderson (or AWA as the cool cinekids call it) is a feed of kaleidoscopic images that could have been (but weren't) taken from scenes by the film director behind the likes of Grand Budapest Hotel and The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. Think pastel-hued hotels, retro train carriages and a plentitude of chin-strokingly stylish symmetry.

AWA has previously enjoyed successful exhibitions everywhere from Tokyo to Tulsa, and this Christmas it's coming to London's own museum district, South Kensington.
As well as ogling large-scale versions of pics from the Instagram account, you'll be able to discover the stories behind the real-life locations, and snap your own photos a la Anderson as you go around. There's also the chance to splash your cash on AWA merch (early Christmas shopping alert).

Accidentally Wes Anderson, 85 Old Brompton Road, from 8 December 2023. Tickets start at £10.99 for adults and £6.99 for kids, and are on sale from 7 November.