A Load Of Einsteins Take The Tube

Will Noble
By Will Noble Last edited 85 months ago

Last Updated 20 April 2017

A Load Of Einsteins Take The Tube

It doesn't take a genius to work out who these four guys are pretending to be.

This is the moment a quartet of Albert Einsteins took the to tube, sporting headphones, violins and books — the subjects of which we'd certainly fail to grasp.

It was, of course, a marketing stunt, to coincide with the National Geographic's TV show Genius, which tells the story of Einstein (played by Geoffrey Rush).

Specifically, this stunt marked the unveiling of a new music channel inspired by Einstein, designed by neuroscientists to help concentration.

Einstein was no stranger to London, and on 3 October 1933, he made his final speech in Europe at the Royal Albert Hall. In it, he asked "How can we save mankind and its spiritual acquisitions of which we are the heirs and how can one save Europe from a new disaster?" Something we're still asking now, it seems.

You can learn more about Einstein's legacy at the Science Museum.

Or go and see his likeness in Madame Tussauds.