Discover The Future Of Robots With Funzing Sessions

By Sponsor Last edited 100 months ago

Last Updated 02 June 2016

Discover The Future Of Robots With Funzing Sessions

This is a sponsored article on behalf of Funzing.

How far away are we from having robot butlers? Would it even be ethical to make a robot to do all your household chores?

If you've ever dreamed of  a future with robots at our beck and call, this entertaining after-work talk is a chance to find out how close we are to making that a reality — and what the implications might be.

Farid, a senior research associate at Imperial College, will explain how engineers are advancing in robotics, the moral implications of AI and how it could affect all our futures.

Who couldn't do with a robot watering their plants?

The talk is part of a series, called the Funzing Sessions, which bring experts, entrepreneurs, radical thinkers and inspirational individuals to broaden your horizons, make your brain tick and introduce you to new ideas.

All events take place midweek, in cool locations, with a laid back atmosphere — and sometimes a bar — so you can digest and discuss with others the fascinating things you've just heard.

Join this session in Camden and find out whether we're in for Bladerunner or Wall-E. £10, 15 June, 7.15pm