Boris Johnson may have signed off as Mayor of London, but his legacy lives on in tweet form.
His successor Sadiq Khan, who has taken over the @mayoroflondon Twitter account apparently doesn't have the heart (or probably time), to delete previous tweets, which makes for some unusual posts, featuring Khan's headshot and Boris's public appearances:
Great to visit training centre for Night Tube - had a go at driving simulator & met some enthusiastic new recruits
— Mayor of London (@MayorofLondon) March 17, 2016
Things gets even stranger when our Sadiq/Boris hybrid expresses his views:
Europe yes EU no! #askboris @aldwickbaypaul
— Mayor of London (@MayorofLondon) March 14, 2016
Have some healthy takeaway washed down with the first ever vintage of London champagne from Enfield a#skboris @ninaevangeli
— Mayor of London (@MayorofLondon) February 12, 2016
Alas, if you keep scrolling back, you won't get to tweets from Ken Livingstone — the @mayoroflondon account was set up in May 2008, when Boris took office.