Video: Inside The Sublime Crystal Palace Subway

By Geoff Marshall Last edited 99 months ago

Last Updated 17 October 2016

Video: Inside The Sublime Crystal Palace Subway

Tucked underneath the traffic off the A212 in South London is the Crystal Palace subway, a beautifully-crafted Victorian construction, originally built to link passengers from the old railway station to the Great Exhibition.

Though it's sometimes been accessible during Open House London weekend, there is now a plan to have this hidden gem reopened for general public use again. The Friends Of Crystal Palace Subway, who make the Open House weekends possible, plan to turn the 150 year old tunnel into a cultural events space.

Treasurer Jules Hussey took us on a tour inside and spoke about her excitement for the project. "We've had some great crowd-funding and help from local business, so we are engaging the local community at all levels, which has been fantastic. But we want to engage the whole of London because this isn't just for Crystal Palace, it's the site of the Great Exhibition, which was for the masses and we'd love to be able to use the space to entertain the masses again... That's the plan!"

New visitors are always amazed to find such a spectacular structure propping up a main road while remaining out of sight and neglected.