Get Ready For START Art Fair

Tabish Khan
By Tabish Khan Last edited 114 months ago

Last Updated 30 August 2015

Get Ready For START Art Fair
Team Lab makes immersive environments, see the bottom of this article for a video trailer. Image courtesy of teamLab and START Art Fair
Japanese collective Chim Pom will be at the fair. They made the news with this installation when they caught rats and turned them into the Pokemon character Pikachu. Copyright Chim Pom.
These creepy heads by S Teddy Darmawan are literally popping out of the painting. Courtesy the artist and Sin Sin Fine Art, Hong Kong
A moody painting by Andrej Dibravsky. Courtesy the artist and SODA Gallery, Bratislava
A surreal photograph by Liane Lang whose work will be at the fair via LOEWE contemporary gallery, London. It will be part of the This Is Tomorrow curated section looking at rising international artists.

The arty London calendar seems replete with fairs. We kicked off this year with London art fair, we had the April double header of Art15 and Photo London —- plus we have the art world goliath Frieze London coming in October. So do we really need yet another art fair? We asked START art fair director, Niru Ratnam, what sets START apart from the rest:

"We're trying to be a little bit different from other fairs. Firstly we've taken the art fair out of its usual location in trade-fair venues and put it in a museum. This is good for the works that are on show and hopefully a more civilised experience for visitors! Secondly, over 40% of the START is handed over to START Projects which are curator-led initiatives. This includes solo exhibitions, group exhibitions and solo booths. Most importantly though, the focus of the whole of START is on emerging artists and new art scenes so its got a very specific remit.”

At most art fairs we've attended, it's the curated sections that are usually the best so this fills us with hope that START will be an enjoyable fair to explore. This is only the second edition of START; considering the first one was well received we have high hopes for this incarnation.

START Art Fair is on at Saatchi Gallery 10-13 September. Tickets are £10 for adults and £5 for under 16s when booked in advance, £12 and £6 on the door.