- Young city worker falls to death from South Bank building...
- ...while another young man has died after falling down a chimney in Marble Arch.
- London is working, says The Economist...
- ... so here's hoping the tube will be working next week.
- George Galloway would use bitcoin technology to keep tabs on his spending as Mayor.
- London rents have risen by 3.8% in the last year...
- ...So why not commute from the Sea of Tranquillity?
- Richard O'Brian will reprise his Rocky Horror Picture Show 20 years on...
- ... and in other Richard news, here's Richard Horwood’s ‘PLAN of the Cities of LONDON and WESTMINSTER the Borough of SOUTHWARK, and PARTS adjoining Shewing every HOUSE’. (No need to SHOUT Richard).
- Prepare to go 'awwwww'.