Pet Project: A Street Cat Named Bob To Launch A Cat Café In Covent Garden

Ben O' Norum
By Ben O' Norum Last edited 120 months ago

Last Updated 26 February 2015

Pet Project: A Street Cat Named Bob To Launch A Cat Café In Covent Garden
Photo by Brian Ledgard from Flickr
Photo by Brian Ledgard from Flickr
Photo by loganweiluo from Flickr
Photo by loganweiluo from Flickr
Photo by Leo Reynolds from Flickr
Photo by Leo Reynolds from Flickr
Photo by Garry Knight from Flickr
Photo by Garry Knight from Flickr

Hot on the heels tail of Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium, London looks set to get another cat café soon — if a crowdfunding campaign is successful.

The man with the plan is James Bowen, a former Big Issue seller living on the streets of London, who made a name for himself a couple of years ago when he published his autobiographical book A Street Cat Named Bob: How One Man and His Cat Found Hope on the Streets.

Bowen summarises the story:

“I was homeless and struggling with substance abuse before I met a little ginger stray tom cat, whom I have named Bob, who has helped me realise that there are more things in life to focus on than drugs. He helped me overcome addiction, by being a loyal and compassionate companion, and giving me something other than myself to look after. He has simply become my best friend, and has looked after me just as much as I have him.”

The book went on to be a no.1 bestseller and there have been several subsequent A Street Cat Named Bob spin-offs and even talks of a movie deal for the pair, though we’re not sure if that’s going to happen. But with the launch of an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign earlier this month, a Bob-themed cat café in London is now looking very likely — Bowen has already raised more than £31,000 towards his goal of £125,000, with the campaign set to run until 14 April.

The cat café — which will be called Bob’s World and is aiming to open in the Covent Garden area — will be populated with cats that have been rescued, providing “a home for homeless, abused or unwanted cats” as well as a place for “other like-minded individuals to come in and have tea, coffee and refreshments whilst being surrounded by cats”.

A portion of proceeds from the café will go to charities, including Cat’s Protection, The Blue Cross and The Big Issue Foundation.

If you need a reason to donate other than a warm fuzzy feeling and the thought of a cat café in Covent Garden, there are plenty of perks. A £5 donation will get you a personalised thank you letter from Bob (no, we’re not sure either…), £17 will get you a thank you letter and a mug, and £23 will get you a signed book (signed by both Bowen and Bob) and a letter. If you’re feline really generous, £250 will get your name on the café wall along with other Bob-endorsed treats.

Here's Bowen's video explaining the project:

So, if you fancy helping Bowen and Bob's mission then don't paws — visit their Indiegogo page and make a donation.

Thanks to Zefrog for the tip-off about this.

Photos taken from the James Bowen And A Street Cat Named Bob Flickr pool.

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