Help Us Create A New Map Of Alternative Tube Names

By Geoff Marshall Last edited 124 months ago

Last Updated 21 October 2014

Help Us Create A New Map Of Alternative Tube Names

A few suggestions to get you started.

Imagine a London in which the tube stations all have different names. Not peculiar or outrageous names, but ones that might equally serve the location. For example, Tottenham Court Road could be named after nearby Soho Square. Or maybe Holborn could be called Kingsway.

So we have a challenge for you: come up with realistic alternative names for all the stops on the tube map. Perhaps the names will relate to other nearby places or landmarks. Maybe you'll plump for a now obsolete historic name for an area. Or you might even jump on-board with the property developers and estate agents and decide to put modern constructions like Midtown on the map.

We'll use the most popular suggestions for stations to create an alternative map, finding a switcheroo for all 270 stops on the tube (so do think outside of the central zone as well).

Put your suggestions in the comments below.