Mapped: London's Independent Bookshops

Rachel Holdsworth
By Rachel Holdsworth Last edited 104 months ago

Last Updated 03 June 2016

Mapped: London's Independent Bookshops

Bookshops are a joy to browse. You'll make discoveries in them that you'll never make on Amazon (we still thank the lost and lamented Crockatt & Powell for introducing us to Steven Johnson's brilliant The Ghost Map), you can ask for recommendations from a knowledgeable bookseller and be satisfied that you're supporting local businesses.

A few years ago now, we spent some time visiting many of London's independent bookshops. You can read all about the places we went but, as is the nature of independent retailers, some have closed and some have moved. Plus, we could never visit them all. So we've created this map of the capital's indie booksellers – find one near you for your Christmas shopping, or visit their websites to see which do online ordering. Click on icons to find out more, zoom in and out or view the map in its own browser window.

Let us know about updates and additions in the comments or email [email protected].

Featured image by Gareth Evans.