In Pictures: The Cheesegrater And Walkie-Talkie Skyscrapers

Dean Nicholas
By Dean Nicholas Last edited 142 months ago

Last Updated 15 April 2013

In Pictures: The Cheesegrater And Walkie-Talkie Skyscrapers
The view from Waterloo Bridge
The view from Waterloo Bridge
The Cheesegrater, from the ground up
The Cheesegrater, from the ground up
Side view of the Cheesegrater. Photo by Downtime_1882
Side view of the Cheesegrater. Photo by Downtime_1882
The back of the Cheesegrater
The back of the Cheesegrater
The Cheesegrater, reflected in the back of the Walkie-Talkie tower
The Cheesegrater, reflected in the back of the Walkie-Talkie tower
The curvature of the Walkie-Talkie
The curvature of the Walkie-Talkie
The view from the south of the river
The view from the south of the river
Computer render of the completed towers; the Pinnacle tower in the middle is unlikely to be completed in this design.
Computer render of the completed towers; the Pinnacle tower in the middle is unlikely to be completed in this design.
Computer render of the Sky Gardens, on top of the Walkie-Talkie
Computer render of the Sky Gardens, on top of the Walkie-Talkie

The Square Mile's newest pair of skyscrapers are marking themselves out amongst the city's cluster of tall buildings, as these photographs, taken over the past couple of weeks, demonstrate.

20 Fenchurch St, dubbed by its marketing team the Walkie-Talkie for the way it flares out at the upper floors , topped out toward the end of last near. Much of the building's external form is now complete; work to construct the Sky Garden, a rooftop viewing deck which will be free to access for the public, is currently underway. The building is expected to open in spring 2014.

A little ways north, the Leadenhall Tower, aka the Cheesegrater, is approaching its full height; as of this weekend it stands at nearly 200m, with another 25m to go before it tops out, probably in June. It is also slated to open next year. There's some discussion of the technical challenges inherent in building both towers in this article at Construction Manager.

The news for the Pinnacle, or Helter-Skelter, is less promising: the building has been stalled for over a year, and there are now plans to significantly re-design the tower in a more economical fashion. The Pinnacle's problems stem from its inability to attract tenants, something also afflicting the Shard. No such problems for the new towers: both have pre-let over 50% of their space.

See also:

A tour of the Walkie-Talkie Tower

Aerial photos of the new skyscrapers