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GIVE BLOOD: Today, you can donate your most ruddy fluids at Surrey Quays or Brewers Hall in the City. Free, just turn up
GADGETS: The Gadget Show Live comes to ExCel for three days of gizmos, tech talks and more. £11, 9am-6pm
MORE GADGETS: Wired magazine, followers of all things cool and electronic, have a pop-up stall in the Quadrant area of Regent Street. Free, just turn up, all day
BOOKS: See an exhibition of messages found in secondhand books, at Foyles. Free, just turn up, 9.30am-9pm
TREASURES: Explore the Natural History Museum's new Treasures gallery, which opens today. Free, just turn up, from 10am
ART: An exhibition of mixed media paintings by American artist Greg Miller opens at Scream gallery on Eastcastle Street, running till 5 January. Free, just turn up, 10am-6pm
LUNCH LECTURES: UCL’s odd couple of lunchtime lectures this week include a neuroscientist discussing how autism might make it harder for people to visualise future events, and historian Corrado Secchi on the history of consumer co-operation. Free, just turn up, 1.10pm
JAZZ: Ray’s Jazz at Foyles puts on live music with Taeko Kunishima, a Japanese-born and London based pianist who plays melodic jazz with a thoroughly contemporary sound. Free, just turn up, 6pm
PHOTOGRAPHY: Olivo Barbieri's aerial photography of London is showcased at Ronchini Gallery on Dering Street from today until 10 January. Free, just turn up, 6-8pm
LONDINIUM: Museum of London turns all Roman for a late opening, with various crafts and activities. £7, prebook, 7pm
ADAM ANT: He's the dandy highwayman who we're not afraid to mention — Adam Ant plays the Shepherd's Bush Empire tonight. £32.06, prebook, 7pm
OTHER LATES: Unwind after work with a spot of culture at the British Museum, Natural History Museum, V&A, National Gallery or National Portrait Gallery. Free, check websites for closing times and events.
COMEDY: Get a mash-up of comedy and hip-hop at Rich Mix, as Doc Brown hosts Dong with Marlon Davis, Michelle De Swarte, Fergus Craig, Rob Carter and Hobbit. Radio 1 is recording this show for a Christmas special. Free, prebook or turn up, 8pm
ROLLER SKATE: The Friday Night skate starts at Wellington Arch. Anyone who feels competent on skates is welcome to join. Free, just turn up, 8pm.
Looking for more ideas? New app YPlan is designed specifically to show you what's happening in London in the next 24 hours, and then book straight from your phone. You can grab it from the iTunes store now for free.
Random London Fact Of The Day
The Underground line at Whitechapel is above the Overground line. Thanks to Paul Campy on Facebook for that tip. If you've got any other weird bits of London trivia, send 'em to [email protected]
You really can't trust our forecasts. Yesterday, we predicted grey, sickly skies. Instead, it was wall to wall sunshine. Today's weather will be mostly pink, with a polkadot front moving in from the west. The sun will set in the north at noon, and a light shower of Lucozade can be expected mid-afternoon. BBC Weather has a still-less reliable forecast.
Secret Hidden False Rumour Of The Day
It's well known that the previous London Bridge was shipped off to Arizona in the 1970s. Less well known is that we got three franchises of Kentucky Fried Chicken in return.