Someone Collapses On Your Train: What Do You Do?

By Geoff Marshall Last edited 148 months ago

Last Updated 01 October 2012

Someone Collapses On Your Train: What Do You Do?

Recently Geoff Marshall helped save the life of a Tube passenger who collapsed in front of him.

My instincts to help someone in distress kicked in, and afterwards I realised that it was terrible that everyone else had stood around watching — not doing anything. It took me asking twice to get someone to pull the passenger emergency alarm in the train to alert the driver. The woman lived, and I can't deny that it made me feel good about myself afterwards in that I felt I was able to do something. But now I want to be able to do more — or do it better next time something like this happens. Saying "It'll never happen again" is surely just tempting fate, so next time — I'm going to be thoroughly prepared."

In this video, Geoff travels to a public first aid demonstration organised by St John Ambulance on the concourse of Liverpool Street station. We urge you to watch, and think about what you'd do if confronted with a medical emergency on the Tube or elsewhere.

Hint: Here's our previous article on where to take a first aid course in London.

The first aid app mentioned in the video is from St John Ambulance and can be downloaded for iPhone or Android.