In Pictures: The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

Rachel Holdsworth
By Rachel Holdsworth Last edited 152 months ago

Last Updated 04 June 2012

In Pictures: The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Celebrations
The flotilla on the Thames / photo by McTumshie
The flotilla on the Thames / photo by McTumshie
The reason for it all - Queen and family / photo by IanVisits
The reason for it all - Queen and family / photo by IanVisits
Waiting a long time / photo by buckaroo kid
Waiting a long time / photo by buckaroo kid
Not everyone's impressed / photo by Cris Rose
Not everyone's impressed / photo by Cris Rose
We just don't know / photo by FatTaff
We just don't know / photo by FatTaff
Trying to get a better view on Southwark Bridge / photo by
Trying to get a better view on Southwark Bridge / photo by
Dressed up and on the river / photo by Lindsey Clarke
Dressed up and on the river / photo by Lindsey Clarke
Fireworks on Tower Bridge / photo by McTumshie
Fireworks on Tower Bridge / photo by McTumshie
Jubilee protesters / photo by mdx
Jubilee protesters / photo by mdx
Patriotic dog in a tiara, spotted in Leather Lane Market / photo by Stephen*Iliffe
Patriotic dog in a tiara, spotted in Leather Lane Market / photo by Stephen*Iliffe
God Save the Queen / photo by Gary Cohen
God Save the Queen / photo by Gary Cohen
Crowds lining Lambeth Bridge to see the Royal barge / photo by violinconcertono3
Crowds lining Lambeth Bridge to see the Royal barge / photo by violinconcertono3
The flotilla passes Bankside / photo by Downtime_1882
The flotilla passes Bankside / photo by Downtime_1882
Larking about in Leicester Square / photo by Reds
Larking about in Leicester Square / photo by Reds
The Commonweath boats / photo by viks2
The Commonweath boats / photo by viks2
Homeward bound / photo by Gary Cohen
Homeward bound / photo by Gary Cohen

Rain didn't stop one million people heading for the Thames yesterday to watch the Queen's barge and 1,000 other boats float down the river to mark Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee. One Londonista played a very small part in the flotilla aboard City Cruises pleasure boat City Gamma, which parked up next to a Thames waste barge opposite the London Eye to watch the boats go past, then joined the tail end of the pageant back to Tower Pier. The atmosphere aboard was hugely jolly with passengers pushing the boat out (har har) on red, white and blue and it felt a huge privilege to feel part of the massive event on the water.

Thanks to everyone who's put photos in our Flickrpool; these are just a selection of the best. Credits to McTumshie, Ian Visits, buckaroo kid, Cris Rose, FatTaff,, Lindsey Clarke, McTumshie (again), mdx, Stephen*Iliffe, Gary Cohen, violinconcertono3, Downtime_1882, Reds, viks2 and Gary Cohen (again).