London Riots: How You Can Donate To The Victims

By johnn Last edited 161 months ago

Last Updated 10 August 2011

London Riots: How You Can Donate To The Victims

One of the most heartening things to come out of the disturbances of the past few days is a determination amongst Londoners to stay positive. Yesterday saw an outpouring of support for communities, with hundreds of residents taking to the streets with brooms and gloves to help in the clean-up.

Today, kind-hearted folk continue to organise via social media to collect donations for the victims of fire, many of whom have literally lost everything they own. They're still in need of stuff and there are plenty of ways to donate:

Clothing will be accepted though we get the impression they already have enough - if you can consider donating the following:
  • Shoes and slippers
  • Blankets
  • Towels
  • Toiletries
  • Nappies
  • Sanitary items
  • Mirrors
  • Baby items
  • Safe children's toys
  • Non-perishable food.

If you know of any other organisations or individuals accepting donations, let us know in the comments and we'll add them to the list.

Photo by Ted Dave, from the Londonist Flickr Pool.