What are we going to do about theatre criticism? We're going to... the Devoted & Disgruntled discussion at Rich Mix tomorrow night to thrash out some ideas about this cherished but sometimes troubled area of writing. Improbable’s monthly talking point will be lead by Lyn Gardner, a ‘traditional’ critic for The Guardian and new broom Jake Orr who Tweets, blogs and does theatre writing in quite different ways.
Do we still need critics in an age of live-blogging and internet forums? Should reviews invite comments or remain closed shops? What is under threat as theatres embrace Twitter and writers become bloggers? And what strengths can be wrung from these new approaches? If you write reviews, blog about theatre or just enjoy theatre writing in all its many forms, join the discussion. We will be there to see where our own theatre coverage stands in today’s critical landscape, and to see exactly how the Open Space format of discussion and debate works.
Devoted & Disgruntled monthly satellite, Tuesday 21 June, 7pm @ Richmix. Entry is free