Last Minute Listing: MicroPerformance Evening @ Agency

By Lindsey Last edited 174 months ago

Last Updated 30 April 2010

Last Minute Listing: MicroPerformance Evening @ Agency

agency_theagency.jpg Short attention span for the arts? Are you a dabbler? Do you enjoy skirting the boundaries between art and performance? Sample an evening of microperformances atAgency Gallery tonight. Each lasts just 5 minutes and is performed for groups of about 4 people. Move around the gallery and experience some or all of the following events: a drawing workshop, a recital, a publication, a film screening, a gallery talk, a seminar, a reading and an "aura of angst". MicroPerformances take place against "366 liberation rituals" by Igor Grubic's who believes "creativity breaks down boundaries, nurtures empathy and liberates to create a happier society." Yeah? Go and find out. MicroPerformance is part of agency at the Agency and is part of Deptford Last Fridays.
