Bone Up On Bones @ Museum Of London

By Lindsey Last edited 179 months ago

Last Updated 29 March 2010

Bone Up On Bones @ Museum Of London

If biology and anatomy passed you by at school but you've since developed an interest in your innards, your brain might appreciate The Bare Bones: a non-assessed practical course for beginners at Museum of London. With unique access to the Museum's collection of 17,000 skeletons, you will learn basic skeletal anatomy, how to age and sex skeletons; how we use bones to learn about health, disease and injury; and about the archaeological excavation of London's cemeteries from Roman times to the early 19th century. You also get to handle actual bones, putting theory into practice, something previous students got rather excited about.

You don't need any prior knowledge but be prepared for reading "homework". There will also be a visit to the Hunterian Museum with its 18th century collection of anatomical specimens.

Starts Wednesday, 28, April - Wednesday, 7 July (half term break 2 June). Ten sessions, including the visit. To enrol call 020 7001 9844.
 Fee : £100.00/concs £35.00.