Holiday Inn Ditches Electric Blankets for Human Bed Warmers

By c-line Last edited 171 months ago
Holiday Inn Ditches Electric Blankets for Human Bed Warmers

bed1.jpg We all have our methods for warming up our beds at the end of a long, chilly day, whether it be a hot water bottle, electric blanket, horrendously ugly socks, or a cleverly-tricked cat. The Holiday Inn hotel chain has devised a means of its own to ensuring its guests have the most pleasant sleeping experience possible by employing human bed warmers. Warmers will wear special 'all-in-one sleeper suits' and provide a free, five minute warming session, which should get beds to roughly somewhere between 20-24° Celsius. According to Dr. Chris Idzikowski, director of the Edinburgh Sleep Centre, warm beds have proved to be more conducive to sleep than cold ones. This could possibly be the greatest news out there for recent grads on the lookout for a job, or the creepiest for anyone who's already concerned about previous bed occupants (i.e. everyone). (Image/Tyla'75)

Last Updated 18 January 2010