Photo: Heygate Estate and Strata by gazkinz
The biennial* London Festival of Architecture offers the chance to engage with the city's built environment, and leading up to next year's event, organisers are inviting the public to come up with suggestions about what they'd like to see. By creating an account on the just-launched LFA2010 website, you can register for events, follow the lead-up to the festival, find like-minded enthusiasts, and propose your own ideas.
Organisers want the two weeks to cover everything from large-scale projects to small, homegrown initiatives. The theme this year, with an eye firmly on the run-up to the 2012 Olympics, is "The Welcoming City"; time, perhaps, to welcome the world to that funky little Daniel Libeskind-inspired marquee you're building in your back garden.
London Festival of Architecture runs from 19th June - 4th July 2010. We'll have a full preview next year. You can also follow the festival on Twitter: @LFA2010.
*Thanks to the anonymous tipster who pointed out that we originally wrote 'biannual' instead of 'biennial'