Win Posh MINI UNITED Tickets For Next Weekend

By Craigie_B Last edited 189 months ago

Last Updated 17 May 2009

Win Posh MINI UNITED Tickets For Next Weekend

170509Mini United.jpg London's always had a bit of a soft spot for the MINI. In the 1960s, the car was an innovation, and a global icon at a time when exciting, stylish London was indisputably the centre of the world. This Londonista has certainly had to watch through his hands each time Michael Caine threw one down a mountain in The Italian Job.

These days, a small fuel-efficient car is perhaps the only vaguely justifiable kind to use in a big city to skirt those petrol-gorging Chelsea Tractors. (The world still faces catastrophic climate change, even though its media appear fixated on MP Expenses, Eurovision and Pig Flu.)

MINI UNITED is a festival held every couple of years somewhere n Europe to celebrate all things to do with MINIs - both old and new. The next one is noteworthy for three reasons: 1) It's the MINI's 50th birthday; 2) It's being held fairly nearby - at Silverstone; and 3) Paul Weller and Calvin Harris are playing. There'll also be the go-karting, test-driving and stunt-show stuff you'd expect.

The whole she-bang takes place from Friday to Sunday of the upcoming bank holiday (i.e. 22nd-24th May) and Londonist has been given 3 Free Tickets to hand out to one lucky reader, to be used on a day of their choice. To win the tickets, email your name and address to [email protected] with 'MINI COMP' in the subjectline by COP on Monday. If you win, we'll notify you by email on Tuesday and post them out to you on the same day.

More info on the event is up at, where you can also buy tickets.

Image from MINI UNITED website