this lunchbox is a thing of the past. should all lunchboxes join it?
Almost a third of Newham's kids come from poor families and so already qualify for school meals, but we know that many eligible children are too embarrassed to be seen to pick up standard mediocre nosh provided by the school while their classmates bring in lunchboxes crammed with exciting stuff that mummy or daddy packs for them.
Parents also face pressure by their kids not to let 'Little Jemima' down when opening her lunchbox in front of her friends by providing something naff inside - which has led to this kind of crap ending up inside. Little Jemima's not so 'little' any more.
So we think this plan is good news. If the meals are healthy enough, and if most parents take part, then more kids get a good diet and no one feels rubbish at break-time. It's a Government scheme, so with Gordon's administration looking as though it has just less than a year to go, would this continue after the election if he got to stay on? What would the Conservatives do?
*Adds to burgeoning 'Questions To Ask By May 2010' File*
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