A Date With Elvish: PicoCon

By Londonist Last edited 189 months ago

Last Updated 27 February 2009

A Date With Elvish: PicoCon

picoconfeb09.jpeg PicoCon is the name of a scientifically small fantasy and science fiction convention taking place at Imperial College Student Union, Prince Consort Road, South Kensington this Saturday, 28th February from 10am.

Expect 200 plus punters, half Imperial College Science Fiction Society members, half regular SF and fantasy fans. A few may be dressed up like characters they enjoy watching on telly, like football fans do with football shirts.

The main draws at a Q&A with top SF writer Michael Marshall Smith, of ace novels Only Forward and Spares fame, at 10.30am and Brentford Trilogy master Robert Rankin “talking a load of old toot” (PicoCon’s words, not ours) at 2pm. American-born science fiction author Pat Cadigan speaks at 11.30am too.

As well as speakers there will be stalls, a student union bar, ‘silly games’ and an hour and a half session dedicated to the destruction of ‘dodgy merchandise’. So bring along your Power Rangers lunch boxes and Ja-Ja Binks ruck sacks to meet their most deserving fate.

By Scott Wood

Contact Chris Hutchison for more information. PicoCon starts from 10am before blurring to a halt around 7-8pm. The venue is: Imperial College Union Building, Beit Quad, Prince Consort Road, South Kensington, London, SW7 2BB.