Hindley Portrait Horror At Olympic Hand-Over

By Amanda Last edited 189 months ago

Last Updated 26 August 2008

Hindley Portrait Horror At Olympic Hand-Over

There was a bit of an awkward silence at London House in Beijing when the image of Myra Hindley flashed up during a video meant to promote London. A six-minute video by Visit London was playing on a loop at London House for a private audience. Unfortunately, while panning through an art gallery, one of the paintings featured is that of Myra Hindley's mug shot done in children's handprints. Though not a part of the official hand-over ceremony, the video was still shown on television for millions to see.

Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson were amongst the first to express their horror at a child murderer being used to represent London. Visit London was quick to point out that the video was not meant for general public use, and has been used many times in the past few years for the tourism trade. In fairness, if the video is often shown to non-Brits, it isn't likely the viewers will know what the Moor Murders are. Still, why would you use a painting of a child murderer to promote your city?

Image courtesy of Simon-K via the Londonist Flickrpool.