Fetes And Festivals This Weekend

By Hazel Last edited 194 months ago

Last Updated 18 July 2008

Fetes And Festivals This Weekend

We've had a taste of village life on South Bank recently and enjoyed the Alternative Village Fete's knitting, vegetables, simple but mesmerising games and the home-made cakes that were part of the National Theatre's Watch This Space offering. And this weekend, we can expect more...

On Saturday and Sunday, you can head to the Lambeth Country Show in Brockwell Park and pretend you're way out in the sticks with the farm animals, funfair, story-telling, arts, crafts and horticulture contests. It's all free and rather charming, especially as you can stride around in those wellies you bought for Glastonbury and thought you would have to return because there was no use for them in the city.

Or mark the last day of the London Festival of Architecture on Sunday by joining the crowds at the Clerkenwell Green Village Fete. There's such a long list of exciting things to see, do, eat, listen to and generally enjoy, we think you should just book out the day and decide what most tickles you on the London Festival of Architecture programme. It's An Architectural Knockout is particularly tickling us, and the coinciding with the Exmouth Market festival for fine al fresco dining is also tempting.

Or on Sunday, you can spurn quaint Englishness entirely and go to Coin Street on South Bank for Colombianamente, a day of music, circus, dance, marching bands and all the sights, sounds and tastes of Colombia on the Thames. It'll help keep your carbon footprint small as you only need to get to Waterloo to enjoy a taste of South America.

Bring sunscreen, bring umbrellas, bring friends, family and take lots of photos! Above all, bring the love - have a blast!

Image author's own. Image shows Armchair Theatre, an astroturf installation on South Bank by The Grass Bandits, as part of the London Festival of Architecture.