Extra, Extra

Dean Nicholas
By Dean Nicholas Last edited 195 months ago

Last Updated 30 July 2008

Extra, Extra
  • Ideas above his station? Boris is taking legal advice to see if he can remove Sir Ian Blair.
  • Suspect in the rape and murder of Norwegian student Martine Vik Magnussen named Latest Dando news: Jill's still dead. But the jury is deliberating if Barry is guilty or not
  • Cover your ears: shamed shock jock James Whale returns to the airwaves
  • Britain kowtows yet again to the American legal system as man accused of hacking into US military computers loses Law Lords appeal Speaking of British justice, here's another success: Tetra Pak heir and missus let off drugs charge for being filthy stinking rich

    Image courtesy of delara-photos via the Londonist flickr group.
