A Flickr gallery in London?

By Rob Last edited 209 months ago

Last Updated 12 April 2007

A Flickr gallery in London?
Bike Racks (Again)

Hard on the heels of the Photo of the Day, we thought we should mention the fact that there's currently some serious talk going on about establishing a real-life, honest-to-goodness, proper, physical, three dimensional, 'when I was your age all this was fields', Flickr gallery in London.

Here's the general idea:

  • Convince Flickr / Yahoo! to rent out a gallery space somewhere in London (nowhere flashy - maybe a community centre or a college).
  • The gallery space gets handed over to the Flickr community in London to manage - somehow we work out a way where the community determines what gets exhibited when.


  • Organise a series of events or parties in the space where people come and see the most popular images on a particular theme and get to meet up with other Flickr users..... we also use it as a way to raise awareness of what Flickr is all about.
  • Copies of prints selected to be exhibited could be sold with a percentage of sale prices going to a charity selected by the community.
  • Exciting, no? Here at Londonist we're already looking at how we could get involved in the process, and we know there's quite a bit of support coming from a few other areas. So if you want to get involved, go join in the discussion and keep an eye out for updates.

    When/if it happens we'll see you there for a drink!

    Image by Dave Gorman, taken from the Londonist Flickr pool.