Tube 2.0 (or Tuber)

By Rob Last edited 210 months ago

Last Updated 02 March 2007

Tube 2.0 (or Tuber)

Over the years there have been many attempts to introduce the rather shy, furtive and, let's face it, constantly tardy London Underground system to the shiny, brash and only occasionally unstable world of modern technology.

Keeping track of the Tube's many ups and downs would be a huge benefit to the thousands of us who use it every single day. Wouldn't it be great to know about a 'suspect package' or a 'derailment' before you actually left the pub?

But as the Transport For London website only just started working in Firefox, the geek community have hardly been holding their breath for some new shiny solution.

Enter Tom Morris.

Tom is a very brave man. He's taken the latest social networking phenomenon that all the kids are into (Twitter) and married it with the current status for each and every Tube line....and he did it while wearing his pyjamas!

So what's the upshot of all this geekery? Well, on top of using Twitter to tell your mates what you had for breakfast etc (and you'd be surprised at how addictive that is) you can also get a running, real-time update on whichever lines affect your ability to get home in time to watch Heroes. Genius. And if you're not all that keen on Twitter then you can just subscribe to the resulting RSS feed instead.

By the way - Londonist now has a Twitter account so we'll be looking to provide more Londony goodness that way in the near future. In the meantime you can add us a friend.