OAP's Dig In Against 2012

By sizemore Last edited 206 months ago

Last Updated 21 February 2007

OAP's Dig In Against 2012

Where would local papers be without spunky pensioners*? They are the meat and two veg of local rags in the same way that bus plunge stories help pad out the bigger boys. And pensioners don't get much spunkier than when they're willing to go to jail to prove a point:

The protest has been spearheaded by the borough's pensioners, who claim no-one asked them if they were willing to pay towards the cost of the 2012 Games, or if they were prepared to underwrite any losses the Olympics may make... the Killicks, aged 72 and 69, who both used to work for the council, have no intention of paying. Mrs Killick said: "I know people are expected to live longer these days but I am nearly 73. When am I going to go to the Olympics?"

She has a point. We'd love to see an Olympic event involving the recently reanimated dead, but we don't think the science will get there by 2012.

But doesn't the threat of letters, bills and perhaps a court case intimidate the old folk?

"I am happy to go to court if I have to and to end up in prison. I feel it is something we have got to do. Someone is taking £20 out of my pocket without asking me... We were all brought up in the war together, so we are used to fighting".

That's the spirit! Over to you, Bexley Council...

*Anyone who stumbled across this post by googling "spunky pensioners": seek help.