Image courtesy of beatdrifter via the Londonist flickr group.
xExtra, Extra
Last Updated 01 November 2006
Extra, Extra
Seven people have been arrested outside the Old Bailey today where a man is facing race hate charges connected to the Danish cartoon demonstrations earlier this year.
Talking of protests: Thousands of doctors, nurses and other hospital workers turned up in uniform at Parliament today to campaign against NHS budget cuts and the increase in private sector involvement.
Thousands of schoolchildren across London are going to be learning all about HIV and Aids following the launch of a major new charity-funded education kit. Ah, those halcyon days of childhood!
Following claims by the ex-head of the 2012 construction project that he quit over fears that politics would cause the project to be late and over budget, the Olympic Delivery Authority have issued a statement denying anything is wrong
Going to see the Jackass lot at Virgin Megastores in Piccadilly tonight? Beware, Steve-O has warned bosses he's bringing his skateboard, and he's expected to "make merry mayhem on the escalators." Crrrrrraaaaazy!