Extra, Extra

By Rob Last edited 216 months ago

Last Updated 25 October 2006

Extra, Extra
  • London (Hampstead to be exact) is set to become face transplant central.
  • Drive a 'gas guzzler'? Then expect to pay more to park the thing. There was a woman on the news today complaining about this, who insisted she need a 4X4 because she had "two kids". Two!
  • The average London house price is set to hit £400,000 in five' years time. And if you want an inside toilet that'll be half a million.
  • Want an allotment? Well then you're going to have to wait a decade. That's a long time for homegrown lettuce.
  • You thought Ken would never dare utter the word Nazi ever again? You were wrong.
  • Image courtesy of Firky via the Londonist flickr group.
