(Amost) Stairway to Heaven

By sizemore Last edited 211 months ago

Last Updated 09 October 2006

(Amost) Stairway to Heaven

A great almost-story from This Is Local London:

A six-year-old narrowly escaped losing her toes last week when her shoe became trapped in an escalator in the Bentall Centre

That coupled with the Girl’s foot trapped in escalator horror headline conjures up an image of Stephen King like carnage with the runaway metal monster chewing the girl's leg off at the knee. Erm...

According to her mother, Sharon, Georgia has lost the tip of a toenail and badly bruised her foot.

The tip of a toenail? Not even a whole nail? And a bruise... The story goes on with the girl's mum blaming the shopping centre for not looking after her spawn and the staff then pointing out that you have to be a bit thick to stick your foot in an escalator. There's also a cracking photo of the sprog holding her shoe up to the camera as exhibit A. In response the mall has hired a team of experts (pictured above), trained in 'assisting' those who find escalators to be a bit of a problem.

"She could so easily have lost her foot. The physical damage could have been a lot worse but she has been badly psychologically traumatised. I don't think she'll ever go on an escalator again."

The only slight hope is that one day British scientists will invent an escalator that doesn't actually move. Until then the poor lass is doomed only to wander the ground floors of life.