Art Brut Needs You

By london_ken Last edited 220 months ago

Last Updated 30 June 2006

Art Brut Needs You
Art Brut

It's a funny old world. When Sleater-Kinney announced they were no more, we had a nostalgic look back at the unprecedented double review we put up for their album, The Woods. One of the albums it beat to that week's coveted Londonist Album of the Week award was Bang Bang Rock & Roll by Art Brut.

Would you believe it (and we would, since coincidence isn't really all that spooky), we received an e-mail the other day asking us to help the band fulfil their dream of appearing on Top of the Pops. For the information of those pop pickers who have been living in a cave during the past month, Top of the Pops is to stop broadcasting at the end of next month but it would be tragic for it to end without Art Brut appearing on it, preferably singing their song 'Formed A Band':

We’re gonna write a song as universal as Happy Birthday

That makes sure everybody knows that everything is going to be okay,

We’re going to take that song and we’re going to play it 8 weeks in a row on Top of the Pops.

Help the band by signing their online petition at, erm,