Those poor poor people of Highgate Village.
As if they didn't have enough to worry about, what with all those hooded teen vandals to keep an eye out for and intricate Nieghborhood Watch schedules to compose. Now they have to deal with those bloody Yanks, coming over here filming their damn films on their front lawns.
Yes, it seems that Sharon Stone and David Morrisey have been boning up on their carnal knwoledge over at the "exclusive residential village" much to the chagrin of the hyper-sensitive residents.
"Shopkeepers in Highgate, north London are seething after film crews descended on the sleepy area causing chaos" gibbers Female First. When in fact they only quote one resident: chocolate shop owner Robert Sinfield says, who says"This has caused mayhem. To be filming somewhere like this is absolutely ludicrous."
And, although there's no details for the 'chaos' that ensued, we guess that it involved nothing more than a bit of a traffic jam and maybe a few unfamiliar faces in the local shop.