London Loses War Of The Ring

By londonist_mark Last edited 230 months ago

Last Updated 16 March 2005

London Loses War Of The Ring

Two years in development, three hours in length and entering stage right at a mere £11.5 million, The Lord Of The Rings the musical will finally raise curtain in February 2006. In Toronto.

Producer Kevin Wallace has announced that none of the three London theatres that could physically accomodate the show were able to deal with the 11 month production period necessary to bring the fellowship and co to all singing, all dancing, all sword fighting life.

It's not been an easy ride for a production that was originally slated to open this Spring in order to tie in with the 50th anniversary of the original publication of all three books as one; but Toronto's Princess of Wales Theatre rode in from the West to save the day.

Having spent the odd Saturday night wandering through Leicester Square, Londonist feels that the production team are missing out on some potentially great casting for the orcs - and no make up required. But hey, their loss is, well our loss.

So yet again, despite being one of the all time great English novels, the colonists (we're joking by the way before you all start complaining) have found that they and not us have what it takes to bring Tolkein's vision to life. Although we can't imagine what the venerable old gentleman would have made of the dark lord Sauron breaking into "The sun'll go down, tomorrow..."